
ISU(国際スケート連盟)に関するお勉強〜ISU Council(理事会)とは?


ISUはピラミッド構造で会長に全ての権限が集中する形になっている。さらに会長を含むわずか11人の構成員によるISUカウンシル(理事会)が最高決定機関で、2年に一度Congress(総会)が開かれる間は理事会ですべてを決められるようになっている。だから、2002年に副会長にカナダのMr. David Doreがなったってことは、彼がフィギュア部門の決定権を握ったってことで、関係プロジェクトを(たぶん殆ど)全て決めれたんだってわかったの。新採点システムの設計や開発作業にカナダ人たちが関係できたのはMr. Doreが副会長だったからなのです!!こうした権限内容がISU憲章と一般規則に全部書かれているのです!!以下、副会長職の所しか訳してないけど、ご参考までに送らせてください


President(会長): Ottavio Cinquanta  Italy
1st Vice President(第1副会長)
 Speed Skating:スピードスケート   Gerhard Zimmermann    Germany
2nd Vice President(第2副会長)
 Figure Skating:フィギュアスケート  David Dore      Canada

 Figure Skatingフィギュアスケート
Marie Lundmark   Finland
Tjasa Andrée-Prosenc   Slovenia
Courtney JL Jones OBE   Great Britain
Phyllis Howard   USA
 Speed Skatingスピードスケート
Jan Dijkema  Netherlands
German Panov Russia
Myong-Hi Chang  Republic of Korea
György Martos Hungary

Home > Committees / Internal > ISU Council & Committee Members > ... Council. President. Ottavio Cinquanta, Italy. 1st Vice President. Speed Skating: Gerhard Zimmermann, Germany. 2nd Vice President. Figure Skating: David Dore, Canada ...
www.sportcentric.com/.../0,8510,4844-161657-178872-20148-73966- custom-item,00.html - キャッシュ - 類似ページ 


B. Council (理事会)
Article 16 (第16条)
1. Composition 構成
The ISU Council is the highest ISU body between the two Congresses. The Council consists of the President, a Vice President, and four members for Figure Skating and a Vice President, and four members for Speed Skating. All 
members of the Council must be of different nationalities and ISU Members. 

B. Council (理事会)

Article 16 (第16条)

1. Composition 構成
The ISU Council is the highest ISU body between the two Congresses. The Council consists of the President, a Vice President, and four members for Figure Skating and a Vice President, and four members for Speed Skating. All 
members of the Council must be of different nationalities and ISU Members. 

2. President  (会長)

a) The President represents the ISU in both a judicial and non-judicial capacity. In the event of his incapacity or other inability to serve, the President shall be replaced, for the duration of such incapacity or inability to serve, by the First Vice President;  

b) If so decided by the Council, the President may conduct, supervise and conclude all the major TV and commercial negotiations. All commercial agreements must be signed by the President and the Director General and the Council shall be informed; 
c) The President chairs the Council meetings and the Congress meetings; 
d) Within the supervisory duties of the Council, the President focuses on the control of the commercial, media/communications and legal areas; 
e) The President represents the ISU in regard to other international sports organizations, including, but not limited to, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and other International Sports Federations (IFs). 

f) The President decides upon the appointments of the Referees, the Technical Controllers, Technical Specialists, Data Operators and Replay Operators in Figure Skating and the Referees, Assistant Referees, Starters, Competitor Stewards in Speed Skating/Short Track Speed Skating for the Olympic Winter Games, ISU Championships,  the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating events and Final (junior & senior), ISU World Cup competitions and any new ISU Event introduced by the Council taking into consideration proposals from the respective Vice Presidents. The respective Vice-Presidents prepare the proposals in consultation with the Sports Directorate and the respective Technical Committee. 
会長は以下(イベントの関係者)の指名を決定する。 冬季オリンピック、ISU選手権、ISUフィギュアスケートGPSとファイナル(ジュニア及びシニア)、ISUワールドカップ大会、すべての新しいISUイベントにおけるフィギュアスケートの審判、 技術コントローラ、技術スペシャリスト、データオペレータと(ビデオ)再生オペレータ及びスピードスケート/ショートトラックの審判、審判助手、スターター。新しいイベントは、副会長の提案書を理事会が検討し、理事会によって導入されるもの。担当副会長はスポーツ総局と関係技術委員会と協議し提案書を作成する。

3.  Vice Presidents (副会長)
a) In the event of his incapacity or other inability to serve, the respective Vice President shall be replaced, for the duration of such incapacity or inability to serve, by the Council member of the respective branch elected with the highest number of votes; 
b) The Vice Presidents chairs the Figure Skating respectively Speed Skating Section meetings of the Congress;
c)  Each Vice President, in the corresponding branch, supervises the work of the Sports Directorate, the Technical Committees and the Development Coordinator. 
各副会長は、対応支部で、Sports Directorate(「スポーツ総局」)、Technical Committees(「技術委員会」)およびDevelopment Coordinator(「開発コーディネータ」)を監督する。
 In the area of the Development Program, in particular they: 
i) decide upon the proposals prepared by the Development Coordinator of the ISU Development Program, each  
 Development Project and budgets  for the Program and Projects; 
i)  approve reports on implementation of the program and Projects; 

Article 17 (第17条) 

1. Functions of Council (理事会の役割)
The functions and powers of the Council include: 

a) determining the policies of the ISU and deciding upon the general coordination of the ISU structure;
b) appointment and if necessary the dismissal of the Sports Directorate members including the employment and if necessary the dismissal of the Chair of the Sports Directorate requiring a two third majority of Council members voting for such appointment or dismissal including the vote of the President. Appointment and if necessary dismissal of the 
Director General requiring a two third majority of Council members voting for such appointment or dismissal including the vote of the President; 
c) control of the ISU’s business carried out by the Director General and Sports Directorate, including the control of carrying out resolutions, all in accordance with the decisions of the Members in Congress. The Council, however, may defer implementation of such resolutions until the next Congress if such implementation would result in severe negative financial consequences which were not foreseen when the resolutions were adopted;  

d) the fixing of the places at which ISU Championships and other ISU Events are to be held taking into account the input of the Sports Directorate; 
e) checking that the accounting for and management of assets are subject to adequate controls;  
f) the preparation and submission to Congress of annual budgets taking 
into account the input of the Director General, the Treasurer and the Sports Directorate;  
g)  decisions regarding the admission of new Members, and the suspension, if considered necessary, of a Member which has violated the Constitution or the Regulations, or which fails to maintain the minimum requirements for membership.  The suspension of a Member can only be effected by the votes of at least six members of the Council. Failing this, such suspension can only be effected by Congress. In clear cases of serious violation of the Constitution, Regulations or Technical Rules the Council must suspend the respective Member or Members.  Failing this, such suspension can only 
be effected by Congress, which can also decide on the expulsion of a Member. Before suspending a Member for failure to
maintain the minimum requirements, the Council may use its authority to pardon certain requirements granted in Article  6, paragraph 3 e); 
h)  decisions on appeals from the decisions of the Technical Committees and ISU  Officials involving violation of technical  sport rules. Such decisions of the Council are final and not subject to further appeal  within the  ISU or to any external tribunal; 
i)  the conclusion of settlement in cases appealed to CAS under Article 25 and in disputes filed with CAS under Article 26; 
j) the arranging for decisions and settlement in all disputes between Members and complaints by Members against others. The decision of the Council shall be final; 
k) appointment of the Legal Advisor(s) who shall attend Council meetings and the Treasurer who shall attend all meetings of the Council. These positions shall have a voice but no vote in the Council.  The Council shall determine, from time to time, the duties to be performed by the persons appointed to such positions; 
l) the appointment and termination of appointment of the other ISU Office Holders, besides the Director General and the Sports Directorate, for Committees, Commissions or advisors as foreseen and specifically named in the ISU Constitution and Regulations. Elected ISU Office Holders may not be appointed as advisors; 

m)  deciding upon the venue of future Congresses based upon nominations 
received from Members;  
n)  appointment of  parliamentarians, if deemed necessary, to advise the 
President as Chair of the full Congress session and the Vice Presidents 
as Chairs of the Figure Skating and the Speed Skating Congress 
sessions. Appointment of Drafting Groups to ensure the proper 
preparation of the wording of the proposals subject to amendments 
from the floor;
o)  determination of the topics for workshops at Congress and conducting the Congress;
p)  performance of ceremonial duties such as awarding medals at ISU Championships and other major ISU Events and remitting special ISU awards, and appointment of the ISU Representatives to carry out such duties. In case of need, the President has the right to change the appointment of the ISU Representative; 
q) in case that exceptional circumstances so require and warrant
i)  modification of any Rule in the General Regulations, Special Regulations and in all Technical Rules; 
    ii) suspension of applicability of any Rule in the General Regulations, Special Regulations and in Technical Rules; 
 iii) granting an exception from a requirement specified in any Rule in the General Regulations, Special Regulations and in any Technical Rules in order to prevent unusual hardship;
r) interpretation of the Constitution, General Regulations, Special Regulations, Technical Rules, ISU Communications, Memorandums and any other ISU decision or document. In the interpretation of ISU policy, procedure and Rules, the Council shall give priority of  importance as follows: first, to the Constitution, second to the General Regulations, third to the Special Regulations and forth to the Technical Rules, and fourth to established customs and practices  including those embodied in the Event Memorandums, ISU Communications and Circular Letters;
s) determining the specific power and authority of the Director General and the Chair of the Sports Directorate and the Sports Directorate in line with the respective basic guidelines outlined in Articles 18 and 19;
t) imposition of monetary penalties for a violation by a Member of the Constitution or Regulations. The penalty imposed must bear a reasonable relationship to the offence;
u) the Council is empowered to adopt all the necessary Rules for the work of ISU Bodies including but not limited to:
 i)  Rules for the administration of sanctions authorized by the Constitution and Regulations;
 ii) Rules of honour respecting compliance with the Constitution and Regulations;
 iii)  Anti-Doping Rules with respect to competitors, Coaches, managers, medical personnel, trainers and Officials;
 iv) Rules and procedural provisions for the work of all Advisory Bodies elected by the Congress or appointed by the Council;
v) keeping of accurate written records and minutes of meetings and of  actions of the Council;
w)  ruling upon alleged breaches of the eligibility rules by Officials, Office Holders, Skaters, and all other persons claiming standing as present or prospective participants in the ISU or ISU Competitions, Championships, Congress or other activities.

2. a)  Decisions taken by the Council in the exercise of its functions and powers shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal except as explicitly set forth in other provisions of the Constitution or Regulations. All final decisions of the Council are subject to the exercise of the superior decision power of the Congress at the next following Ordinary or Extraordinary Congress. See Part A. paragraph 21 of VII. Procedural Provisions to the Constitution;
b)  If a decision of the Council may be appealed under specific provisions of the Constitution or Regulations, the Council shall have the power to decide that an appeal will have no postponing effect if the Council concludes that the postponement would reflect adversely upon the reputation or the integrity of the ISU. 


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