
ISU(国際スケート連盟)に関するお勉強〜ISU Council(理事会)とは?


ISUはピラミッド構造で会長に全ての権限が集中する形になっている。さらに会長を含むわずか11人の構成員によるISUカウンシル(理事会)が最高決定機関で、2年に一度Congress(総会)が開かれる間は理事会ですべてを決められるようになっている。だから、2002年に副会長にカナダのMr. David Doreがなったってことは、彼がフィギュア部門の決定権を握ったってことで、関係プロジェクトを(たぶん殆ど)全て決めれたんだってわかったの。新採点システムの設計や開発作業にカナダ人たちが関係できたのはMr. Doreが副会長だったからなのです!!こうした権限内容がISU憲章と一般規則に全部書かれているのです!!以下、副会長職の所しか訳してないけど、ご参考までに送らせてください


President(会長): Ottavio Cinquanta  Italy
1st Vice President(第1副会長)
 Speed Skating:スピードスケート   Gerhard Zimmermann    Germany
2nd Vice President(第2副会長)
 Figure Skating:フィギュアスケート  David Dore      Canada

 Figure Skatingフィギュアスケート
Marie Lundmark   Finland
Tjasa Andrée-Prosenc   Slovenia
Courtney JL Jones OBE   Great Britain
Phyllis Howard   USA
 Speed Skatingスピードスケート
Jan Dijkema  Netherlands
German Panov Russia
Myong-Hi Chang  Republic of Korea
György Martos Hungary

Home > Committees / Internal > ISU Council & Committee Members > ... Council. President. Ottavio Cinquanta, Italy. 1st Vice President. Speed Skating: Gerhard Zimmermann, Germany. 2nd Vice President. Figure Skating: David Dore, Canada ...
www.sportcentric.com/.../0,8510,4844-161657-178872-20148-73966- custom-item,00.html - キャッシュ - 類似ページ 


B. Council (理事会)
Article 16 (第16条)
1. Composition 構成
The ISU Council is the highest ISU body between the two Congresses. The Council consists of the President, a Vice President, and four members for Figure Skating and a Vice President, and four members for Speed Skating. All 
members of the Council must be of different nationalities and ISU Members. 

B. Council (理事会)

Article 16 (第16条)

1. Composition 構成
The ISU Council is the highest ISU body between the two Congresses. The Council consists of the President, a Vice President, and four members for Figure Skating and a Vice President, and four members for Speed Skating. All 
members of the Council must be of different nationalities and ISU Members. 

2. President  (会長)

a) The President represents the ISU in both a judicial and non-judicial capacity. In the event of his incapacity or other inability to serve, the President shall be replaced, for the duration of such incapacity or inability to serve, by the First Vice President;  

b) If so decided by the Council, the President may conduct, supervise and conclude all the major TV and commercial negotiations. All commercial agreements must be signed by the President and the Director General and the Council shall be informed; 
c) The President chairs the Council meetings and the Congress meetings; 
d) Within the supervisory duties of the Council, the President focuses on the control of the commercial, media/communications and legal areas; 
e) The President represents the ISU in regard to other international sports organizations, including, but not limited to, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and other International Sports Federations (IFs). 

f) The President decides upon the appointments of the Referees, the Technical Controllers, Technical Specialists, Data Operators and Replay Operators in Figure Skating and the Referees, Assistant Referees, Starters, Competitor Stewards in Speed Skating/Short Track Speed Skating for the Olympic Winter Games, ISU Championships,  the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating events and Final (junior & senior), ISU World Cup competitions and any new ISU Event introduced by the Council taking into consideration proposals from the respective Vice Presidents. The respective Vice-Presidents prepare the proposals in consultation with the Sports Directorate and the respective Technical Committee. 
会長は以下(イベントの関係者)の指名を決定する。 冬季オリンピック、ISU選手権、ISUフィギュアスケートGPSとファイナル(ジュニア及びシニア)、ISUワールドカップ大会、すべての新しいISUイベントにおけるフィギュアスケートの審判、 技術コントローラ、技術スペシャリスト、データオペレータと(ビデオ)再生オペレータ及びスピードスケート/ショートトラックの審判、審判助手、スターター。新しいイベントは、副会長の提案書を理事会が検討し、理事会によって導入されるもの。担当副会長はスポーツ総局と関係技術委員会と協議し提案書を作成する。

3.  Vice Presidents (副会長)
a) In the event of his incapacity or other inability to serve, the respective Vice President shall be replaced, for the duration of such incapacity or inability to serve, by the Council member of the respective branch elected with the highest number of votes; 
b) The Vice Presidents chairs the Figure Skating respectively Speed Skating Section meetings of the Congress;
c)  Each Vice President, in the corresponding branch, supervises the work of the Sports Directorate, the Technical Committees and the Development Coordinator. 
各副会長は、対応支部で、Sports Directorate(「スポーツ総局」)、Technical Committees(「技術委員会」)およびDevelopment Coordinator(「開発コーディネータ」)を監督する。
 In the area of the Development Program, in particular they: 
i) decide upon the proposals prepared by the Development Coordinator of the ISU Development Program, each  
 Development Project and budgets  for the Program and Projects; 
i)  approve reports on implementation of the program and Projects; 

Article 17 (第17条) 

1. Functions of Council (理事会の役割)
The functions and powers of the Council include: 

a) determining the policies of the ISU and deciding upon the general coordination of the ISU structure;
b) appointment and if necessary the dismissal of the Sports Directorate members including the employment and if necessary the dismissal of the Chair of the Sports Directorate requiring a two third majority of Council members voting for such appointment or dismissal including the vote of the President. Appointment and if necessary dismissal of the 
Director General requiring a two third majority of Council members voting for such appointment or dismissal including the vote of the President; 
c) control of the ISU’s business carried out by the Director General and Sports Directorate, including the control of carrying out resolutions, all in accordance with the decisions of the Members in Congress. The Council, however, may defer implementation of such resolutions until the next Congress if such implementation would result in severe negative financial consequences which were not foreseen when the resolutions were adopted;  

d) the fixing of the places at which ISU Championships and other ISU Events are to be held taking into account the input of the Sports Directorate; 
e) checking that the accounting for and management of assets are subject to adequate controls;  
f) the preparation and submission to Congress of annual budgets taking 
into account the input of the Director General, the Treasurer and the Sports Directorate;  
g)  decisions regarding the admission of new Members, and the suspension, if considered necessary, of a Member which has violated the Constitution or the Regulations, or which fails to maintain the minimum requirements for membership.  The suspension of a Member can only be effected by the votes of at least six members of the Council. Failing this, such suspension can only be effected by Congress. In clear cases of serious violation of the Constitution, Regulations or Technical Rules the Council must suspend the respective Member or Members.  Failing this, such suspension can only 
be effected by Congress, which can also decide on the expulsion of a Member. Before suspending a Member for failure to
maintain the minimum requirements, the Council may use its authority to pardon certain requirements granted in Article  6, paragraph 3 e); 
h)  decisions on appeals from the decisions of the Technical Committees and ISU  Officials involving violation of technical  sport rules. Such decisions of the Council are final and not subject to further appeal  within the  ISU or to any external tribunal; 
i)  the conclusion of settlement in cases appealed to CAS under Article 25 and in disputes filed with CAS under Article 26; 
j) the arranging for decisions and settlement in all disputes between Members and complaints by Members against others. The decision of the Council shall be final; 
k) appointment of the Legal Advisor(s) who shall attend Council meetings and the Treasurer who shall attend all meetings of the Council. These positions shall have a voice but no vote in the Council.  The Council shall determine, from time to time, the duties to be performed by the persons appointed to such positions; 
l) the appointment and termination of appointment of the other ISU Office Holders, besides the Director General and the Sports Directorate, for Committees, Commissions or advisors as foreseen and specifically named in the ISU Constitution and Regulations. Elected ISU Office Holders may not be appointed as advisors; 

m)  deciding upon the venue of future Congresses based upon nominations 
received from Members;  
n)  appointment of  parliamentarians, if deemed necessary, to advise the 
President as Chair of the full Congress session and the Vice Presidents 
as Chairs of the Figure Skating and the Speed Skating Congress 
sessions. Appointment of Drafting Groups to ensure the proper 
preparation of the wording of the proposals subject to amendments 
from the floor;
o)  determination of the topics for workshops at Congress and conducting the Congress;
p)  performance of ceremonial duties such as awarding medals at ISU Championships and other major ISU Events and remitting special ISU awards, and appointment of the ISU Representatives to carry out such duties. In case of need, the President has the right to change the appointment of the ISU Representative; 
q) in case that exceptional circumstances so require and warrant
i)  modification of any Rule in the General Regulations, Special Regulations and in all Technical Rules; 
    ii) suspension of applicability of any Rule in the General Regulations, Special Regulations and in Technical Rules; 
 iii) granting an exception from a requirement specified in any Rule in the General Regulations, Special Regulations and in any Technical Rules in order to prevent unusual hardship;
r) interpretation of the Constitution, General Regulations, Special Regulations, Technical Rules, ISU Communications, Memorandums and any other ISU decision or document. In the interpretation of ISU policy, procedure and Rules, the Council shall give priority of  importance as follows: first, to the Constitution, second to the General Regulations, third to the Special Regulations and forth to the Technical Rules, and fourth to established customs and practices  including those embodied in the Event Memorandums, ISU Communications and Circular Letters;
s) determining the specific power and authority of the Director General and the Chair of the Sports Directorate and the Sports Directorate in line with the respective basic guidelines outlined in Articles 18 and 19;
t) imposition of monetary penalties for a violation by a Member of the Constitution or Regulations. The penalty imposed must bear a reasonable relationship to the offence;
u) the Council is empowered to adopt all the necessary Rules for the work of ISU Bodies including but not limited to:
 i)  Rules for the administration of sanctions authorized by the Constitution and Regulations;
 ii) Rules of honour respecting compliance with the Constitution and Regulations;
 iii)  Anti-Doping Rules with respect to competitors, Coaches, managers, medical personnel, trainers and Officials;
 iv) Rules and procedural provisions for the work of all Advisory Bodies elected by the Congress or appointed by the Council;
v) keeping of accurate written records and minutes of meetings and of  actions of the Council;
w)  ruling upon alleged breaches of the eligibility rules by Officials, Office Holders, Skaters, and all other persons claiming standing as present or prospective participants in the ISU or ISU Competitions, Championships, Congress or other activities.

2. a)  Decisions taken by the Council in the exercise of its functions and powers shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal except as explicitly set forth in other provisions of the Constitution or Regulations. All final decisions of the Council are subject to the exercise of the superior decision power of the Congress at the next following Ordinary or Extraordinary Congress. See Part A. paragraph 21 of VII. Procedural Provisions to the Constitution;
b)  If a decision of the Council may be appealed under specific provisions of the Constitution or Regulations, the Council shall have the power to decide that an appeal will have no postponing effect if the Council concludes that the postponement would reflect adversely upon the reputation or the integrity of the ISU. 



フルテキスト〜ISU(国際スケート連盟)へのJSF(日本スケート連盟)の抗議文 by 久永勝一郎氏

03.03.13  JSF decided to file the "Letter of Protest" to ISU
03.03.25  日本スケート連盟からISUへの抗議文和訳1
03.03.25  日本スケート連盟からISUへの抗議文和訳2


2−1)カナダメンバーMr. David Doreが提案したコンピュータ使用の新採点システムは、久永氏が指摘する通り、秘密裏に2002年以前から計画進行されていたものなのか?

採点システムがコンピュータ化されて8年が経過、2回のオリンピックが終わり、フィギュアファンの間では、ISUの採点システムへの不信が益々増大しました。JSFは今年のISU総会で女子シングルのジャンプに対する得点に関してルール改正を提案すると報道されています。ISU Council(理事会)は会長、副会長2名と残り8名のメンバー、計11人で構成され、絶大な決定権を握っています。日本は理事会のメンバーではありません。日本の提案がどのように処理されるのか興味深いです。

ISU(国際スケート連盟)に関するお勉強〜ISU Council(理事会)とは?

ISUは若返りが必要(ソニア・ビアンケッティ 2008/10)(記事 ...

2008年11月5日 ... みみのフィギュアスケートファン figure skating fan MIMI's blogの記事、ISUは 若返りが必要(ソニア・ビアンケッティ 2008/10)(記事)です。
ameblo.jp/mimiskate/entry-10160612426.html - キャッシュ - 類似ページ







”However, because of his speed skating background, Cinquanta has been the subject of a considerable amount of criticism from the figure skating community, particularly in Canada and the United States. During the 2002 Olympic Winter Games figure skating scandal, he was criticized for his evasiveness and his admission that he didn't "know figure skating so well".[1] In spite of his professed lack of knowledge about the sport, he proposed a new scoring system for figure skating[2] whose major feature is secrecy which would prevent anyone from ever knowing how an individual judge had marked the competition. ”(出典、以下Wikiより)

Ottavio Cinquanta (born August 15, 1938, in Rome) is President of the International Skating Union and a member of the International Olympic Committee. He has held the ISU position since 1994 and the IOC position since 1996. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottavio_Cinquanta - キャッシュ - 類似ページ

2。興味深いのは、日本スケート連盟元会長の久永勝一郎氏がこの問題に不思議な絡み方をしていたのです。彼は2006年のトリノ五輪後、日本スケ連関係不正経理事件で逮捕され表舞台から完全に姿を消したのですが、日本人初のISU副会長に1998年(長野五輪直後)なり2002年にカナダスケ連会長でチンクアンタ支持者のDavid Doreに負けて副会長の座を降りています。ソルトレークシティスキャンダル発覚後久永氏は徹底的に膿を出すようにとISU総会で発言しています。
久永勝一郎元会長(元フィギュアスケート選手、元国際スケート連盟副会長)の任期中に、連盟の国際事業委員会において国際大会の運営などについてずさんな予算執行により大幅な赤字が出ており、また松本充雄専務理事(元スピードスケート選手)・城田憲子 ...所在地 - 役員 - 沿革 - 主催大会
ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本スケート連盟 - キャッシュ - 類似ページ

''What happened in the pairs event in Salt Lake City has destroyed and canceled in one minute all the effort and the work during the past 40 years to give credibility to judging and the sport,'' said Katsuichiro Hisanaga, the I.S.U.'s figure skating vice president.
''It is my opinion that the only way the I.S.U. can regain a certain credibility is to show the entire world our firm will to really clean house and to establish a clear new judging system.''
3。チンクアンタは結局事態究明に努めた関係者を罰し、あいまいな決着を付けたようです。ISUの各国メンバーたちの中のフェアな採点を求める声は押さえつけられてしまった。久永氏はチンクアンタと対立失脚、チンクアンタ支持のカナダ人David Doreが副会長になった。
Katsuichiro Hisanaga of Japan, who was the ISU vice president for Figure Skating , was not re-elected either. After the scandal blew up, Hisanaga, as the vice president, had expressed the opinion that the ISU should take immediate action ...
www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/.../Cracked%20Ice%20Exerp.htm - キャッシュ


''What happened in the pairs event in Salt Lake City has destroyed and canceled in one minute all the effort and the work during the past 40 years to give credibility to judging and the sport,'' said Katsuichiro Hisanaga, the I.S.U.'s ...
www.nytimes.com/.../figure-skating-australia-and-us-set-to-offer-scoring- plans.html?...

”Readers who have not seen the letter sent to the ISU president by Katsuichiro Hisanaga, President of the Japan Skating Federation and former ISU vice president for figure skating, can find a copy of it at www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/articles/jsf-protest-letter.shtml   It is a remarkable document that clearly lays out the many ISU skating regulations that are being ignored and perverted by ISU management.”



”The implementation of secret judging at the 2003 World Figure Skating Championships in Washington, D.C., was controversial enough to result in a fan protest at that event [3], with Cinquanta personally being jeered by the audience whenever he was introduced.[4][5]”






フルテキスト〜ISU(国際スケート連盟)へのJSF(日本スケート連盟)の抗議文 by 久永勝一郎氏

"Text of JSF Protest Letter to the ISU"

ISU副会長・元JSF会長 久永勝一郎氏抗議文フルテキスト


Editor's note

This is the text of the "Letter of Protest" to the ISU filed by the Japan Skating Federation on March 13, 2003, referenced in the press release on the JSF web site. Copies of the letter have apparently been circulating privately on the Internet; this one reached me from an anonymous source, with permission to repost it here.

I added the HTML markup manually and apologize for any errors, or if it doesn't quite match the formatting of the original document.

Text of the letter

Tokyo, March 13, 2003東京、2003313

To: Mr. Ottavio Cinquanta
International Skating Union
宛先:国際スケート連盟 オッタビオ・チンクアンタ会長

Copy: Members, ISU Council
Members, ISU Figure Skating Technical Committee
Members, ISU Ice Dancing Technical Committee
Members, ISU Synchronized Skating Technical Committee
Members, ISU Honorary Members Club

Dear President Cinquanta:

You will recognize that I am sending this letter to you in my capacity as President of the Japan Skating Federation (the JSF), a unified Member of the International Skating Union representing both the speed skating and figure skating components in Japan. You will also recognize that this letter touches upon topics covered in prior correspondence with you in my capacity as an ISU Honorary Member, but this letter is properly viewed as being separate from that.

This letter addresses matters which are of critical importance requiring the attention of the ISU Council, as well as certain matters over which the Figure Skating Technical Committee, the Ice Dancing Technical Committee, and the Synchronized Skating Technical Committee have duties and authority. For those reasons, copies or this letter are being directed to the members of the Council and to the members of those Technical Committees. As noted above, this letter is completely separate from prior correspondence with you in my capacity as an ISU Honorary Vice President. You have indicated with such correspondence, however, that the topics covered in this letter are properly of concern to the Honorary Members. For that reason, copies of this letter are also being sent to them.

The purpose of this letter is to address three separate but related topics: (1) the project as originally set forth in Urgent Proposal No. 4 and now improperly shown as Paragraph 3 of Rule 121 in the ISU 2002 General Regulations, (2) procedures ostensibly adopted by the Council for implementation of Urgent Proposal No. 29 but actually in violation of Rules previously duly adopted by Congress and still in full force and effect, and (3) interference with the authority of the JSF over international figure skating competitions in Japan, such as the NHK Trophy. The JSF formally, but respectfully, lodges this protest with respect to various aspects of those matters as set forth herein. Those matters require action of the ISU Council pursuant to ISU Constitution Article 17 Paragraph 1, and Article 23 Paragraphs 3 and 5.
この手紙の目的は3つの異なりますが関連した問題を提起することにあります:(1)当初「緊急提案No.4」に 規定される「プロジェクト」が、今や不適切にもISU2002年一般規則にルール1213項として示されていること、(2) 「緊急提案No.29」の実施に関して「理事会」によって表面上は採択された手続きが、実際にはCongress(「総会」)で以前に正式に採用され、かつ今なお有効な、ルールに違反していること、(3) NHK杯等の日本における国際フィギュアスケート大会に関するJSFの権限への介入。JSFは正式にかつ敬意をもって、本文書中に述べるこれら問題のさまざまな側面に関して、この抗議書を提出します。これらの問題は、ISU Constitution(「憲章」)第17条第1項および第23条第3項と第5項に従って、ISU理事会のアクション(対応、措置)を求めるものです。

1. The Project Initially Outlined in Urgent Proposal No. 4

Urgent Proposal No. 4 was submitted to the Congress in the name of the ISU Council. The JSF has recently received a copy of the formal Minutes of the Congress but has not yet had a chance to review them in detail. The JSF assumes they will show that such proposal was certified for consideration as an urgent matter by the requisite vote of the Congress as specified by Paragraph A.4 of Section VIII of the ISU Constitution (Procedural Provisions to the Constitution).

The content of Urgent Proposal No. 4 was, however, inappropriately identified in ISU Communication No. 1160 as applying to the General Regulations. In point of fact, the proposal as reported in that Communication related solely and exclusively to those aspects of the sports administered by the ISU which are allocated under the ISU Constitution (including the Procedural Provisions) to the Figure Skating Section. The contents of Urgent Proposal No. 4 should, in fact, have been identified as applying to the respective Special Regulations over which the Figure Skating Section has responsibility.
しかしながら、緊急提案No.4の内容は、ISU Communication(「通知」)No.1160の中で、不適切にも、一般規則に適用 として識別されています。実際には、この通知で報告されたプロジェクトは、ISU管轄の各スポーツ部門に唯一かつ独占的に関係するのもであり、それはISU憲章に基づき(Procedural Provisions「手続き規定」を含め)、フィギュアスケート部門に属するものです。実際、緊急提案No.4の内容は、それに関してフィギュアスケート部門に責任がある、Special Regulations (「特別規則」)に適用されるべきものであったのです。

During discussion on Urgent Proposal No. 4, the President explained that the reason for identifying its content as applying to the General Regulations was that it did not actually set forth a Rule which would govern the sport of figure skating but instead would simply articulate a policy of development and examination of a potential new system of judging. Upon further questions from Members, the President noted emphatically that the Congress was not actually being asked to vote on a Rule but instead merely authorize the ISU to embark on a project (the Presidents own term, used repeatedly).

On multiple occasions during the Fall of 2002, various persons acting in official capacity for the ISU (including as experts retained to work on the project) clearly indicated that the system being developed under the project would be submitted to the 2004 Congress for approval and even in one instance indicated the possibility that the project would not actually be completed even in time for that. On December 27, 2002, the ISU issued a Press Release in which, for the first time, an assertion was made publicly that the Congress had actually adopted a Rule not merely a project. The JSF understands that the ISU President has characterized protests of such announcement as an attempt to re-write history.

In point of fact, the ISUs own documents and records indicate that the attempts to re-write history are those which are evidenced by (a) Rule 121 (as shown in the 2002 General Regulations) including the full text of Urgent Proposal No. 4 as new Paragraph 3 of that Rule, and (b) the December 27, 2002 official ISU Press Release issued under the signature of the ISU President and the ISU General Secretary. That is amply demonstrated by the official ISU Press Releases issued contemporaneously with the Congress and published as such on the ISUs official website. Copies of those press releases (both as originally carried in HTML format prior to the recent makeover of that website, and as published to PDF format by Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows on December 4, 2002 for posting to the remodeled website where they are currently shown) are attached to this letter. In that context, we note the following:
実際には、ISUの書類及び記録そのものが示す通り、歴史を書き換える試みはこれらの書類によって立証されます。すなわち、(a) 「ルール121」の新項目「第3項」としての緊急提案No.4の全文を含む、(2002「一般規則」に示される)ルール121、および (b) 20021227日付け、ISU会長及び事務局長の署名入りで発行された公式ISUのプレスリリースです。このことは、総会と同時に発表された公式ISUのプレスリリースおよびISUのウエブサイトで同様に公開されたもので充分に証明されます。これらプレスリリースのコピーを本文書に添付します(両方とも、元々は最近改造される前のウエブサイトの初期HTMLフォーマットで掲載されたもの、また200212月2日付けで現在使用されている改造ウェブサイトへ掲示のためWindowsAcrobat Distiller 4.0によりPDF形状で公開しているもの)。この文脈において、我々は以下の点について言及します。

The Day 1 Press Release:

The action taken by the Congress is repeatedly identified as a project which was accepted by the Congress, not as a Rule adopted by it. Even that action was not final as the announcement states that the project would be debated at the Figure Skating Section of the Congress along with other proposals regarding new systems of judging figure skating.

IF (a) Urgent Proposal No. 4 was properly before the entire Congress on the first day, AND (b) the entire Congress approved it as a Rule rather than as a project, THEN the official ISU Press Release would not have announced that the matter would be subject to debate at the Figure Skating Section.
もし (a) 緊急提案No.4が初日に全体総会で正式に提出され、かつ (b) 全体総会がそれをプロジェクトとしてではなくルールとして承認した場合には、公式のISUプレスリリースは、本件がフィギュアスケート部門での討議に従うものとするとは発表しなかったはずです。

This official ISU Press Release is an unequivocal acknowledgment that when the Congress finished its deliberations relating to Urgent Proposal No. 4 on the first day, the contents of that Urgent Proposal had definitively been properly re-characterized as a matter which could not appropriately be included as a Rule in the General Regulations.

The Day 2 Press Release:

As of the close of Day 2, Urgent Proposal No. 4 had still not been considered (much less approved) by the Figure Skating Section, although presentations on proposals for new Judging Systems were announced as to be made the following day.

The Day 3 Press Release:

As of the close of Day 3, Urgent Proposal No. 4 had still not been approved by the Figure Skating Section although according to this official ISU Press Release all of the presentations to be made on proposed new Judging Systems had been made -- specifically including that from the ISU, the only one of which was in Urgent Proposal No. 4. Thus, whatever was actually discussed in the Figure Skating Section regarding Urgent Proposal No. 4 was (as specified in the Day 1 official ISU Press Release) all that the proponents of that matter believed to be still before the Congress at that time. That thus excludes any potential that Urgent Proposal No. 4 would actually become a Rule by virtue of actions taken at the 2002 Congress.

The Day 4 Press Release:

Discussions and deliberations on the various proposals for new Judging Systems were completed on Day 4. As memorialized in the Day 4 official ISU Press Release, the only proposal which was approved and adopted by the Figure Skating Section was that resulting from debate on Urgent Proposal No. 29 originally submitted by the figure skating Member from Canada. At the end of Day 4, matters originally covered by Urgent Proposal No. 4 continued to be identified in the official ISU Press Release as a project not as a Rule. Conceptual elements outlined for it were similarly described merely as criteria for use in development of such project, not as sub-parts of a newly-adopted Rule.

The 7 June 2002 Press Release -- Conclusion of the Congress

The official ISU Press Release summarizing the results of the Congress shows that the main change resulting from the intensive debate on the Judging System was the one adopted pursuant to Urgent Proposal No. 29. In fact, of course, the system set forth in that proposal merely provided for (1) larger panels of Judges, with (2) a subgroup of those Judges being randomly selected such that the marks awarded by that subgroup would be used to determine the outcome of competitions rather than the marks of the entire panel.
公式ISUプレスリリースは総会の結果を、「採点システム」の集中討議からの主要な変更は「緊急提案No.29」に従って採択されたものであると要約しています。事実、提案29で規定されたシステムは、単に(1) larger panels of Judges(より大きな審判団)、(2) ランダムに選択されたジャッジのサブグループを伴い、サブグループが与えた点数が、全体のパネルの点数ではなく、競技の結果を決定するのに使われる、と。

This official ISU Press Release itself characterized Urgent Proposal No. 4 as far more revolutionary than the one actually adopted. Had Urgent Proposal No. 4 actually been adopted as a Rule, that clearly would have been the main change in the judging system. Indeed, it would have been entirely improper in that case to characterize the proposal of the figure skating Member from Canada as being the main change. The ISU itself through this official Press Release continued to identify the matter covered by Urgent Proposal No. 4 as a project. Any attempts following the date of this official ISU Press Release to characterize the provisions of Urgent Proposal No. 4 as a Rule are a fictitious revision of history which does not comport with fact.

Whatever the project was at the conclusion of the Congress, this official ISU Press Release itself identified the key features of it. The otherwise detailed list set forth in this official ISU Press Release does not contain any reference to the component originally included in subparagraph (p) of Urgent Proposal No. 4 and similarly (but quite improperly) reflected as such in Paragraph 3 of Rule 121 as published in the 2002 General Regulations. As an official publication of the ISU, the 7 June 2002 Press Release serves as conclusive evidence that the notion of Congress delegating authority to the Council had long since been dropped from the matter even before it was approved as a project. When the Congress adjourned, the matter remained a project and would become a Rule (if at all) only if properly submitted to a subsequent Congress and adopted by it in accordance with the procedural rules specified in the ISU Constitution.

Other ISU Documents

The foregoing official ISU Press Releases are by no means unique in demonstrating that the matter considered by the 2002 Congress in connection with Urgent Proposal No. 4 was approved as a project, not adopted as a Rule. Indeed, that is the only credible interpretation of actions taken at the Congress. The President of the ISU himself consistently asserted both in the press and in his own written communications that, while the concepts of Urgent Proposal No. 4 would be revolutionary, the details of that project were not presented to the Congress, much less approved by it as a Rule.

By way of example, the first written communication on this matter of which we are aware is the memorandum dated 27 March 2002 from the President of the ISU to the ISU Members, Council, Technical Committees and Coaches Commission. At that time, the matter was identified as a project and that it was in the preliminary phase of development. The memorandum recognized that detailed debates on the matter would have to be held at the Congress even to get past that early phase.

If point of fact, of course, there was absolutely no debate held on the various components of Urgent Proposal No. 4 which now appear as Paragraph 3 in Rule 121 as published in the 2002 General Regulations. Moreover, the attachment to the 27 March 2002 memorandum addresses various potential aspects of the system, but the memorandum and that attachment make absolutely no reference to the idea that Congress would be asked to delegate rule-making authority to the Council. Such delegation would itself violate the ISU Constitution as in effect at the Congress. Decisions taken by the Council could properly be included in any Rule (whether in the General Regulations or in any of the Special Regulations) only if the ISU Constitution itself were amended first to permit such delegation. That did not occur.

The presentation reflected in the 27 March 2002 memorandum and in the official ISU Press Releases referenced above continued at least through the letter dated 1 October 2002 from the ISU President to Council members, members of the various figure skating Technical Committees and of the Grand Prix Management Commission, and the Coordinators of the Senior and Junior Grand Prix. The matter originally addressed in Urgent Proposal No. 4 continued to be identified in that letter, long after the Congress had concluded, as being a project. The letter clearly acknowledged that the matter remained in preparation even while expressing a hope that it would be completed soon. In short, it was not a Rule.

We are particularly troubled by the fact that efforts continue to be made to characterize the project both as a response to judging improprieties which came to light in Salt Lake City and as a bona fide effort to prevent them in the future. As time has passed, evidence has slowly begun to surface which establishes that developmental efforts for the project began at least as far back as the Fall of 2001 and possibly even earlier. Yet never once were the Technical Committees (charged under the ISU Constitution with the duty and authority for overseeing the technical aspects of the sport) even informed of that effort, much less involved in it. Instead, the applicable Technical Committees were consistently instructed to focus on a proposal for computerized evaluation of Judges which was known to be flawed and which was to be supplanted completely by the project.

That creates a disturbing impression that certain interests (if not the ISU Council itself) are using the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City for achieving a completely unrelated agenda item: abandoning the historic judging system which has been a unique and positive attribute of figure skating. It is not the system which needs changing, it is the ethical conduct of those implementing it which needs to be addressed.

We understand that at least one other Member of the ISU has previously provided written records of the Congress which, among other things, demonstrates that the President of the ISU specifically informed the delegates at the general session held on Day 1 that the action being recommended and taken on Urgent Proposal No. 4 was for adoption of a project and not of a Rule. Such record of the proceedings accurately reflects the recollection of the delegates in attendance representing the JSF as they each are prepared to testify under oath. We also understand that there is a written transcript of the Congress which confirms those official ISU Press Releases and our own understanding of what occurred there.

2. ISU Communication No. 1197 and Existing Rules

The Congress did approve a new judging system pursuant to its deliberations of Urgent Proposal No. 29. There seems to be no debate or uncertainty about that, unlike improper assertions that actions taken with respect to Urgent Proposal No. 4 resulted not in a project (as the ISU itself officially reported) but instead in a Rule. The system as proposed by the figure skating Member from Canada in that Urgent Proposal and as approved by the Congress was actually very straight-forward as summarized above. There should therefore not have been any need for controversy.

Communications issued subsequent to the Congress by persons purporting to act in an official ISU capacity have, however, given rise to very serious controversy. Procedures being implemented in connection with the new judging system thus adopted are in direct conflict with (and a violation of) other Rules which were not amended or even discussed at Congress. Those include requirements for the following, none of which are being observed by the ISU in administering competitions under its auspices pursuant to Rule 382 Paragraphs 9 & 10 (2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating), Rule 527 Paragraph 9 (2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing), and Rule 772 Paragraphs 9 & 10 (2002 Special Regulations Synchronized Skating):

Open Marking

Whether by electronic scoreboard or otherwise, the Rules require that the marks of each Judge must be displayed openly to the Referees and the audience. Display of the range of marks of the Judges as a group does not satisfy that requirement. Display of marks other than by Judge does not meet the requirement of open marking which is fundamental to the Rules and fundamental to preserving the credibility of (a) the sport as being honestly judged, and (b) results calculations (from actual marks) being accurately performed. The only way to satisfy the requirements of Rules which remain in full force and effect following the 2002 Congress when implementing the system set forth in Urgent Proposal No. 29 is to show the marks of all Judges, by individual Judge. It is not necessary to indicate which Judges have been selected by the random draw to have their marks counted in determining the final result. It is also not necessary to show (or read) the marks in the order in which the Judges are seated at the panel, as long as they are always shown (read) in the same order during an event segment and thus always show paired marks of each specified Judge. See, Rule 352 Paragraph 3 (2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating), Rule 542 Paragraph 4 (2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing), and Rule 737 Paragraph 3 (2002 Special Regulations Synchronized Skating.
電子式スコアボードであれなんであれ、ルールが求めるのは各ジャッジの採点は審判および観客に公開されねばならないということです。ジャッジが一団としてつけた点数の範囲の表示は、その要求に叶っていません。ジャッジ以外による点数の表示は、採点の公開に関する要求に叶っていません。これは、(a) 公正に判定される競技、および(b) 厳正に行われる結果の算定(実際の採点から)に関して、ルールの基本でありかつ信頼性を保つために必須です。緊急提案No.29で規定されたシステムが実行となった 2002総会以後、効力をもって存続しているルールのこうした要求を満たす唯一の方法は、すべてのジャッジ一人一人の採点を示すことです。最終結果の決定にどのジャッジがランダム抽選で選ばれ、彼らの点数がカウントされたのかを示す必要はありません。また、ジャッジがパネルに座る順番で点数を示すことも必要ありません、但し、点数が常にイベント毎の期間中に同じオーダーで表示され、それぞれ特定のジャッジの対の点数が常に示されるのであればに限ってです。ルール35232002特別規則、フィギュアスケート)、ルール5424項(2002特別規則、アイスダンス)、ルール7373項(2002特別規則、シンクロナイズドスケート)を参照のこと。

Responsibility of Organizing Member

Whether using manual results calculation or electronic (or both), the Organizing Member is responsible for the accuracy of the results. That responsibility cannot be delegated by the Organizing Member to an outside contractor as the Rules do not permit that. Moreover, the ISU Council cannot relieve the Organizing Member of its obligations under the Rules -- much less require the Organizing Member to abdicate that responsibility completely. Quite apart from the integrity of the outside contractor specified for that purpose by the ISU Council (which is not questioned or affirmed here), the procedures which have been implemented through IceCalc assures that the Organizing Member does not even have access to the raw data necessary to fulfill those obligations. See, Rule 353 Paragraph 6 (2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating), Rule 543 Paragraph 6, (2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing), and Rule 738 Paragraph 6 (2002 Special Regulations Synchronized Skating Figure Skating).


If results are calculated manually, the Rules require that the forms used to calculate such results must themselves be open to inspection, and that means that the actual marks of actual Judges must be shown. The procedures specified in ISU Communication No. 1197 prevent that and, as such, eliminate manual calculation and require that electronic computer calculation be used.

Of course, the Rules do permit computer-only calculations of results but only if the Rule regarding such calculations is followed explicitly. Among the requirements of that Rule are the one referenced above: that the Organizing Member be responsible for the accuracy of the results, including the computer software and the data entry. Even in that case, however, the function of inspection is preserved as the marks are displayed openly to the Referee and the audience as referenced above. See, Rule 357 Paragraph 4 (2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating), Rule 547 Paragraph 4 (2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing), and Rule 742 Paragraph 4 (2002 Special Regulations Synchronized Skating).


The Rules require that the a protocol must be published at every competition conducted under the auspices of the ISU. Among other things, that document is required to include the final order of the competitors with particulars of their placings, marks and points [emphasis added]. See, Rule 366 Paragraph 1 (2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating), Rule 550 Paragraph 1 (2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing), and Rule 752 Paragraph 1 (2002 Special Regulations Synchronized Skating).

Event Review Meeting / Classification List

The heart of ISU Communication No. 1197 is elimination of all procedures relating to the Event Review Meeting which would make it possible for a Referee to identify improper conduct of Judges such as was determined by the Council to have occurred during the Pairs event at the 2002 Olympic Winter Games held in Salt Lake City. Specifically, the Rules continue to require that the Referee conduct the Event Review Meeting in the context of having examined, and having delivered to all of the Judges, a copy of the classification list. See, Rule 412 Paragraph 3 and 6 (2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating), Rule 583 Paragraphs 3 and 6 (2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing), and Rule 809 Paragraphs 3 and 6 (2002 Special Regulations Synchronized Skating).

The content of the classification list is specified clearly and requires that the placements of all Judges be shown with respect to each competitor. Indeed, the Referee is not able to fulfill the obligations specified in the Rules if that information is not provided. While the classification list as illustrated in the Rules only shows placements and not marks, the Referee must have access even to those in order to complete the annotated form of the classification list which the Referee the Rules require to be included in the Referees combined report. See, Rule 420, Paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 6 (2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating), Rule 587, Paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 (2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing), and Rule 814, Paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 6 (2002 Special Regulations Synchronized Skating).

In contrast with these clearly-specified obligations of openness and accountability, the procedures described in ISU Communication No. 1197 impose a veil of secrecy. At the very least, such secrecy diminishes the function of accountability and creates a serious risk of either eliminating it entirely or creating the perception among competitors, Members, fans, and the press that it had been eliminated. Those procedures are being implemented without authority of the Congress and are in direct violation of the foregoing Rules which remain in full force and effect. The only component of secrecy authorized by the Congress following consideration of Urgent Proposal No. 29 was in the actual process of determining which of the Judges on a panel would have their marks counted when calculating the results. Extending the secrecy beyond such draw -- a term well-understood in figure skating and by the delegates who approved it during the Figure Skating Section meetings of the Congress -- is totally without authorization.

The experience at Salt Lake City should have served as a catalyst for taking actions to minimize (or even prevent) the chances that judging impropriety would ever again occur. Instead, the procedures specified in ISU Communication No. 1197 merely minimize (or even prevent) the chances that such impropriety would ever again become public. There cannot be any basis for asserting that was the intention of the Congress.

Those procedures are thus based on assumptions that (1) a specified level of impropriety on the part of the Judges will occur and, instead of seeking it out and punishing it, the system should merely minimize the impact of such impropriety, and (2) delegates at the Congress recognized that and affirmed their willingness to tolerate minimal levels of impropriety rather than seeking to prevent it at all. The first assertion is a blatant violation of all principles of sportsmanship and cannot be sustained if the integrity of the sport and the international federation administering it is to remain intact. The second assertion is not supported by any evidence whatsoever and is a direct affront to the integrity of the Members and their commitment to the integrity of the sport.
したがって、これら手順は、(1) ジャッジの一部における特定レベルの不正は発生するが、それを摘発し処罰する代わりに、システムは単にそうした不正の衝撃を最小化すべき、(2)総会の代表者たちはそのことを認め、とにかく不正の防止を模索するのではなくむしろ最小限の不正レベルを容認する積極的な意志に賛同した、と次の前提に基づくものです。(1)の主張は、スポーツマン精神の全ての原則にあからさまにに違反し、このスポーツとこれを管理運営する国際スケート連盟のインテグリティ(整合性)が元の状態のまま残るのでなければ、認められない。(2)の主張は、いかなる証拠によっても裏付けられず、メンバーとフィギュアスケートの保全へのメンバーたちの確約に対する侮辱です。

It is at best curious that the ISU delayed until the year-end holiday season to issue Communication No. 1197. The procedures were actually implemented at various of the ISU International Competitions and at all of the competitions comprising the Grand Prix of Figure Skating. Indeed, they had previously been described in the notice dated September 5, 2002, from Mr. David Dore which had the effect of preventing proper observance of Event Review Meeting procedures at the Nebelhorn Trophy. That notice was actually delivered to the Referees of that competition two days later, as they were about to implement the procedures actually specified in the Rules. A copy of ISU Communication No. 1197 and that notice from Mr. Dore are attached to this letter of protest.

It is also worth noting that the letter from the ISU President dated 1 October 2002 referenced above specifically indicated that the procedures for identifying, assessing, and sanctioning judging anomalies would be the system as printed in the ISU book. That apparently was a reference to the 2000 Constitution, General Regulations, and Special Regulations, as the corresponding books for 2002 had not yet been printed and circulated. Of course, such printing and circulation had occurred well before ISU Communication No. 1197 was issued. Even if the reference by the President had been to procedures set forth in the 2002 rule books, ISU Communication No. 1197 directly contravenes those provisions as set forth above.

In addition to lodging a formal protest for both the procedures described in ISU Communication No. 1197 and Mr. Dores notice and the method by which they were established, this letter will serve as a formal demand that the ISU cease and desist from implementing the procedures as thus described in ISU Communication No. 1197. This letter also serves as notice that a failure to do so will constitute willful and wanton disregard by elected and appointed officials of the ISU of their obligations under the ISU Constitution. As such, those actions are a violation of the laws governing the organization and operations of the ISU and are grounds for removal from office in addition to any civil sanctions that may be available under applicable law.

3. The NHK Trophy and Rules 367 and 551

We note that the official ISU Press Release of December 27, 2002, indicates that the judging system being developed pursuant to the project will be implemented in the Grand Prix competitions for the 2003-04 competition year.

In that context, we remind you that experimental systems such as that being developed under the project may be utilized in such International Competitions only to the extent permitted under Rules 367 of the Figure Skating Special Regulations and Rule 551 of the Ice Dancing Special Regulations. Those rules set forth specific procedural requirements which must be met, one of which is that an application must be submitted to the appropriate Technical Committee requesting such experimental use. The only party authorized under the ISU Constitution to submit such application is the Organizing Member of the competitions. See, ISU Constitution Article 1 Paragraph 3, and Article 6 Paragraph 3.a). Rules 367 and 551 themselves recognize that the obligations attendant to use of such experimental system falls to the Organizing Member.
この文脈において、我々は念のため申し上げますが、このプロジェクトで開発中の試験的システムがこうした国際的な試合で使用を許されるのは、フィギュアスケートの特別規則ルール367及びアイスダンスの特別規則ルール551に基づいた許容範囲でということです。これらの規則は、特定の手続上の要件を定めており、それを満たす必要があります。その一つは、申請書を担当の技術委員会に提出し、そのような試験的な使用について要請しなければならないということです。ISU憲章では、そうした申請を出す権限が与えられている当事者は、試合関係のOrganizing Member(組織メンバー)だけです。ISU憲章第1条第3項、および第6条第3.a.)を参照ください。ルール367551は文字通り、そうした試験的システムの使用に付随する義務は組織メンバーが負うものとしています。

The JSF is the Organizing Member for the NHK Trophy, one of the Grand Prix events. As such, it communicated to Mr. David Dore at the recent Grand Prix Final its reluctant agreement to submit the applications specified in Rules 367 and 551 in order to permit testing of the project system at this years NHK Trophy, but would do so only if all other Organizing Members of Grand Prix events do likewise and the applications to do so are all approved. We have not yet decided whether such application would be for exclusive use of the project system or for parallel use with the system specified in the 2002 Special Regulations Figure Skating and the 2002 Special Regulations Ice Dancing or, if the latter, which of the two systems would be used to determine the official outcome of the competition for purposes of awarding the NHK Trophy even if the project system is used for purposes of determining those competitors qualifying for next years Grand Prix Final. We also recognize that the matter may be moot as we understand that the figure skating Member from the United States has posted a notice on its official website to the effect that the project system cannot be implemented in any competition (presumably including Skate America) unless and until specified conditions not currently present have been met. We will separately contact that Member to confirm this matter before any decision is made by the JSF with respect to use of the project system at this years NHK Trophy. The JSF similarly reserves its right to include proper conditions in any application which it might submit under Rules 367 and 551.
 JSFは、グランプリシリーズの一つ、NHK杯の組織メンバーです。そのようになっているので、組織メンバーは、今年のNHK杯においてプロジェクトシステムの試験の許可を得るためにルール367551指定の申請書をだすことに不承不承同意する旨、最近のグランプリファイナルの時にMr.David Doreに連絡しましたが、これに同意するのはあくまでもグランプリシリーズの他のすべての組織メンバーが同じ様にすることとそのための申請書がすべて承認される場合に限ってである、と伝えました。我々は、次の点について未だ確定していません。すなわち、この申請がプロジェクトシステムだけの使用となるのか、2002特別規則(フィギュアスケート及びアイスダンス)で規定のシステムとの併存使用となるのか、あるいは、もし併存使用の場合、二つのうちのどちらが試合の公式結果、NHK杯の優勝者、を確定するのに使われるのか。たとえプロジェクトシステムが翌年のグランプリファイナルの出場資格を決めるために使われるとしてもです。我々はまた、本件が議論の余地があるものらしいと認識しています。フィギュアスケートの米国メンバーはその公式ウエブサイトに次の主旨の通知を掲載しています。本プロジェクトシステムは、現在存在しない詳細条件が満たされるまで、いかなる試合(おそらくスケートアメリカを含む)でも実行し得ない、と。 JSFは同様に、ルール367551に基づき提出する可能性のあるいかなる申請においても適切な条件を含むためのその権利を保持します。

The ISU Council may not be aware that the JSF raised several troublesome issues regarding the implementation of procedures at the NHK Trophy last year which were conducted through IceCalc at the instruction of either the ISU or the Secretariat of it. The serious issues raised in those communications were not properly handled by the Secretariat. We now recognize that the procedures thus imposed on the NHK Trophy essentially corresponded to the ones subsequently described in ISU Communication No. 1197.

The ISU Council is aware that no Member following those procedures is able to verify and confirm the accuracy of the results as is otherwise provided under the Rules (see, section 2 above, Responsibility of Organizing Member). We specifically note here that the JSF accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the results for that NHK Trophy.

4. Actions Required

The JSF has formally protested the matters described above. It will pursue all remedies available to it if the ISU Council does not take appropriate steps recognizing the validity of that protest. In that context, this will confirm that the following actions will be deemed satisfactory to the JSF and, if all of them are taken, the JSF will withdraw the protest set forth herein:

a. The Council formally advise the Members of the ISU either that presentation of the Project as Paragraph 3 of Rule 121 (2002 General Regulations) was an error, or that it simply failed to include the following introductory text immediately after the paragraph number and before the subparagraphs:
a. 理事会は正式に、本プロジェクトをルール121第3項(2002一般規則)として説明したのは誤りであるか、あるいは単に以下の序文を同項目番号の直後、サブパラグラフの直前に入れなかったかのいずれかを、ISUのメンバーに通知する。

"The ISU will engage the services of experts to work on a project to develop a new judging system for figure skating based on the following principles and components: ..."

If the latter approach is followed instead of simply acknowledging that Paragraph 3 was improperly added to Rule 121 as shown in the 2002 General Regulations, it would also be necessary to advise the Members that subparagraph (p) is not properly included in the text and, in any event, any new judging system developed pursuant to the project would only be adopted if separately approved by the 2004 Congress pursuant to procedures for inclusion in the applicable Special Regulations. Quite apart from what a project is, any purported attempt to delegate to the ISU Council the authority to amend, modify, or adopt Rules would itself be a violation of ISU Constitution Article 11 Paragraph 1.
2002一般規則のルール121 3項が不適切に追加されたと認める代わりに、後者の処置をとる場合には、更に以下の内容をメンバーに通知する必要があります。すなわち、サブパラグラフ(p)は文書中に不適切に含まれたこと、またいかなる場合も、本プロジェクトに従って開発されるいかなる新採点システムも、適法の特別規則に含まれる手順に従って、2004年の総会にで別途承認された場合においてのみ、採択されるものとなります。プロジェクトが何であるかとは別に、ルールの変更、修正または採択をするためにISU理事会に対して、権限を委任すると言われるいかなる試みも、それ自体が ISU憲章第11条第1項に違反するものとなります。

b. The Council direct the following Technical Committees to take an active role (through affirmative and informed involvement of all of their members) in the development, testing, and preparation of reports, regarding the project and any system of judging developed under it: Figure Skating Technical Committee, Ice Dancing Technical Committee, and Synchronized Skating Technical Committee.

The Congress is entitled to receive the input and recommendations of the Technical Committees and that can only be done if they play that active role. The specified Technical Committees are obligated under the ISU Constitution to provide such input and they cannot properly do so as a by-standing observer.

c. The Council rescind the provisions of ISU Communication No. 1197 and confirm that (1) all competitions conducted under the auspices of the ISU will follow procedures which faithfully conform to the requirements of Rules 352, 353, 357, 366, 412, and 420 (Figure Skating Special Regulations), Rules 542, 543, 547, 550, 583, and 587 (Ice Dancing Special Regulations), and Rules 737, 738, 742, 752, 809, and 814 (Synchronized Skating Special Regulations), and (2) marks at such competitions will be displayed publicly by Judge (leaving to the Council to decide and announce whether such display will show all marks awarded or only those awarded by Judges selected by random draw to count in determination of the outcome).
c. 理事会は、コミュニケーション1197の規定を撤回し、以下の内容を確認します。(1ISU主催のすべての大会は、以下ルールの条件に忠実に準拠する手順に従う:ルール352353357 366412420(フィギュアスケート特別規則)、ルール542543547550583、および587(アイスダンス特別規則)、ルール737738742752809、および814(シンクロナイズドスケートと区別規則)、および(2)そのような大会において得点ははジャッジによって公表されるものとする(かかる表示が、結果の確定をするための計算のため、与えられた得点全て、あるいはランダム抽選で選ばれたジャッッジによる点のみとするかについては、理事会の決定と発表に委ねます)。

The secret judging procedure announced in the notice dated September 5, 2002, by the Vice President of Figure Skating and restated in ISU Communication No. 1197 is in direct violation of numerous rules (as referenced above, and potentially others as well) which were not addressed (much less actually amended) by the 2002 Congress. Even if those procedures were a logical extension of Urgent Proposal no. 29 (which they most emphatically are not), they could not be imposed by the Council as only the Congress is authorized under the ISU Constitution to amend existing Rules.

d. The Council confirm that the process of testing the system developed under the project will not interfere with the rights of the Members under Rules 367 (Figure Skating Special Regulations), 551 (Ice Dancing Special Regulations), and 753 (Synchronized Skating Special Regulations), and that such testing will only be authorized if requested by the Organizing Member in compliance with the requirements of those Rules.
d.  理事会は、このプロジェクトに基づき開発されるシステムの試験の過程が、ルール367 (フィギュアスケート特別規則)、551(アイスダンス特別規則)および753(シンクロナイズドスケート特別規則)に基づくメンバーの権利に介入しないこと、およびかかる試験が認められるのは、これらルールの条件に従って組織メンバーが要請した場合に限ることを、正式に認めるものとします。

The JSF has not yet decided whether to make a request under Rules 367 and 551 with respect to the NHK Trophy. Under the ISU Constitution, General Regulations, and applicable Special Regulations, the JSF has sovereign power and authority to decide whether it wishes to do so. Neither the Council nor the group of experts engaged by the ISU to work on the project has any authority to impinge on that sovereignty.

5. Reservation of Process

We would like to make it clear that the reasons set forth in this letter for the protests made in it are by no means exhaustive. If it becomes necessary to pursue any of these matters in judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative proceedings, we reserve the right to present more exhaustive and detailed statements and analyses as to matters concerning any or all of these topics. That should prove unnecessary, of course, if the leadership of the ISU conducts itself in good faith in correcting the irregularities covered by this letter.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, please note that failure by the ISU Council to conform actions being taken in the name of the ISU to the requirements of the ISU Constitution and Rules as set forth or referenced herein will be deemed by the JSF to be an exclusion of the Members (including the JSF) from the ISU activity preserved to them by the ISU Constitution: governance of the ISU. See, ISU Constitution, Article 22 Paragraph 1.

We further note that our review of the formal Minutes of the 2002 Congress recently delivered to us has not been completed. When it is, the JSF may elect to raise separate concerns as to the accuracy of them, including with respect to matters addressed in this letter. Also without limiting the generality of the foregoing reservation of rights, we specifically reserve the right to present such concerns to the ISU Council or in any other appropriate proceeding pending at such time.

It is truly unfortunate that matters have reached the point where the formality of this letter is required. The JSF believes that it is fulfilling its obligations as a Member to require that all actions taken by officials of the ISU in its name preserve the integrity of the ISU and of its Constitution (including the Procedural Provisions), General Regulations, and Special Regulations.
問題が本状の形式を必要とするところまで来てしまったことは誠に残念です。 JSFはISUのメンバーとして、ISUの名において取られる役員の行動の全てがISU、ISU憲章(手続き規定を含め)、一般規則および特別規則のインテグリティ(統合性)を保持するように、要求することが我々の義務を果たすことだと信じています。 

The members of the JSF Council are quite certain that they are obligated to the JSFs own members and officials to take all prudent actions to preserve the rights and authority of the JSF under the ISU Constitution and Rules. The JSF is also a national governing body under the Japan Olympic Committee and has obligations which it must meet in order to maintain that status. For those reasons, a copy of this letter and the attachments to it are simultaneously being provided to the Japan Olympic Committee for potential referral by it to the International Olympic Committee.

We will look forward to a prompt reply to this letter followed by fulfillment of all conditions described herein in order to render this protest as having been properly addressed and resolved. If that will not occur, we will then look forward to a prompt notice of an official decision by the ISU Council to that effect so that we can then review and assess all other rights and remedies available to us to require that the administration of the ISU comport fully in all matters with the ISU Constitution and Regulations, the laws governing the organization and administration of the ISU, and the Charter of the International Olympic Committee.

In light of its obligations to the members and officials of the JSF and to the Japan Olympic Committee, the JSF reserves the right to post this letter of protest on the official website maintained by the JSF for the benefit of its members. If a decision is taken to do so, the JSF similarly reserves the right to post the official response of the ISU Council to, and potentially any other communications by ISU officials on matters covered by, this letter of protest.

Sincerely, 敬具
Katsuichiro Hisanaga
Japan Skating Federation
会長 久永勝一郎